Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Upcoming Special Events

Reminder: This Friday our Storybook Character Parade begins at 2 o'clock with a celebration following in the class immediately after.  Please remember to send your child with their costume. They will be getting dressed after lunch.  **If your child can not participate  due to reasons such as religious beliefs, please let me know.  Thanks!!

Math Homework: We are beginning our unit 2 test review and taking the test on Friday. Students homework will be to complete the practice test part 1 tonight and  Part 2 Open response tomorrow night (Thursday).

Permission slips went home last night for our next field trip. We will be going to the Stamford Museum and Nature Center on November 10th to enjoy 2 programs: Maps and Matter. Please remember to send a bag lunch. We will not be back in time to eat in the cafeteria.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Reminder: Field Trip

HI! Everyone :)

Just want to remind everyone that tomorrow is our first field trip to the Bartlett Arboretum to learn about seeds.  Lucky for us, the weather is supposed to be the best on Wednesday. Although we will be eating lunch at school, we will be returning after our lunch shift, so please remember to pack a home lunch for your child.  

Any questions, please let me know.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My appologies.... I blogged a minor mistake!!

Picture day is this Friday, 10/16.  NOT tomorrow. Please send your kids dressed for pictures on FRIDAY!!!  

Tomorrow Second grade will be participating in a Fire Safety presentation. Remember to ask what they learned about Fire Safety when they get home.  Perhaps they can STOP, DROP and ROLL or you can discuss a home safety plan in the event of an emergency.

Best Regards!!
Mrs. K. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

A new week. A new room. A new...

Happy Monday! We have an exciting week ahead of us. We are one of the first classes to undergo construction in the Second grade wing. As of today,we will temporarily be in the art room located closest to the nurses office. Wish us luck in our new home as we begin to adjust to our new setting this week.

Unfortunately, the weather didn't hold out long enough for Second grade to participate in the Springdale Sprint on Friday. Our rain date is this Wednesday, please feel free to come by and cheer us on during this time.

This Thursday is Picture Day! Forms went home Friday. Please remember to send form with payment in the sealed envelope Thursday.

Have a great week!